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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tiger Woods Marks His Return

Tiger Woods has set a date to his return to the game of golf. As we should all know that date is April 6th better known as somebody's birthday and the start of the Masters in Augusta, Georgia.

Now some ask if this is too soon. Well I say no. Now Dr. Drew says that being in sex therapy is more than a 4 month thing and she has had people who have gone for almost a year. While I agree that yes that is true, he goes on to talk about how he shouldn't go back to a stressful game like golf. So since when is golf stressful? I understand that it is a competition and you need to be out to win but, it offers a chance to release your baggage.

Then there are those who say he will be disrespecting the prestige of the Masters. How in the world will he be doing that? By having an affair? You've got to be kidding me? So you mean to tell me that not one of the other golfers in the tournament have not had an affair? The board members at Augusta are squeaky clean? Yeah, right! He won't be disrespecting anything.

They say he will get all of the attention. Let me ask, since when has he not gotten the attention? So it would be a good time for him to come back after his knee surgery but not now? GTFOH!

And let's not forget that there were two big politicians, one who left the country and the other who had a child through his affair. And yet we hardly see any coverage as big as Tiger Woods. You all (whoever that may be) need to leave him alone and stop judging him and not forget that a bunch of others do what he did.

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