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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Oscar Night is On Its Way! (My Picks Are In)

10 Best Picture Nominees, Two Eccentric Host, and a Great Movie Year. These are hopefully the ingredients for a good presentation this year. In its 82nd year we're still in bewilderment of the Academy's thought process, I think. In any case I will be offering up my picks for the 5 major awards, the supporting awards, and animated feature.

The Supporting's

Best Supporting Actress: Mo'Nique. Without a doubt Mo'Nique should walk away with that award. Her performance in "Precious" was absolutely chilling and such a departure for her unlike the other nominees. I look forward to a riveting acceptance speech.

Best Supporting Actor: Christopher Waltz. He was absolutely the best person to play a Nazi and was great in "Inglorious Bastards". If he doesn't walk away with it, it will be sad.

Best Animated Feature

Up. "Up" is more than certain to walk with this award. Pixar and Disney are the unstoppable powerhouse when it comes to Academy Awards. Although, "The Fantastic Mr. Fox" is also a pretty good contender. But when you deal with P & D it's over.

The Majors

Best Actor: Jeff Bridges. His role as an alcoholic country western singer was riveting and seemed to be the role (so far) for him. He should get it done.

Best Actress: Sandra Bullock. It has been 28 years since Meryl Streep has won an Oscar, but she's been nominated 16 times since then. She has become the Susan Luchi of the Academy Awards. And she may stay that way. Winning an acting honor for a comedy film is hard. So I say Sandra. I wish Gabourey Sidibe was in contention but this was a bad year for her. She is though having the best time to be nominated.

Best Adapted/Original Screenplay: (Adapted) An Education. I would love to see Precious win, but I will go with the subtly strong "An Education". (Original) The Hurt Locker. It is a tough race between "The Hurt Locker" and "Inglorious Bastards". Quentin Tarantino would love to have an Oscar but Mark Boal's story touches more to the heart and tug strings of the Academy.

Best Director: Kathryn Bigelow. It (hopefully) will be a historic night for the Academy and Kathryn Bigelow will take away the first Best Director award for a female. I think she deserves it although James Cameron will give her a run for her money.

Best Picture: Avatar. I may be wrong on this, but I think this mammoth film will win Best Picture. It is a close race with "The Hurt Locker" in the fray. I think "Locker"'s chances have been severely hurt (no pun intended) by their producer who e-mailed Academy members and told them to rate his movie higher than "Avatar" and to rank "Avatar" at the bottom. Campaigning a film during the voting process is already a no-no, but putting down the other is a definite uh-uh. The producer is already banned from the ceremony and his short-sighted dumbness may cost a good film the award.
We'll see what happens at these ceremonies. I can't wait for Joan Rivers and the Fashion Police on Monday. Until then. J out.

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