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Saturday, March 6, 2010

How Did the Girls Do? Who is Out?

It seems I am never destined to see the girls perform. Another outage prevented me from seeing most of the 2 hour show. And to think that had they performed when they were supposed to I would have seen them.

In any case. They weren't that bad from what I saw, but I do agree with who was voted off.

And with that ungentle segway, lets move to the cast-offs.

The Guys: No surprise when they let Jermaine Sellers go. Sad part was that he sounded better when he sang goodbye than the original performance. Oh well. The other sad part is that his campaign to "Rock the Onsie" will never catch on like "Pants on the Ground".

Then we said bye-bye to John Park. He was just the good one with a weak week. He'll at least get some girls when he gets back to Northwestern.

The Girls: Then the girls let em go. Haeley Vaughn and Michelle Delmor sang their swan songs and it was a teary affair for the girls. I was sad to see Haeley go but in a competition like this the young-ins have a hard time.

As for Michelle, if her swan song was a repeat of what she did Wednesday than she deserved to go.
So now there was 16. After next week we will have out Top 12 and that is where the real competition begins. J out.

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