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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What Have I Missed

Well, I missed alot while I was gone, so let me recap.

Tiger Woods - Mr. Woods got into an accident sometime after Thanksgiving and that was when the truth began to unravel. It seems he's had affairs with multiple women. The tabloids went into a frenzy. He stayed secluded until last Friday when he made his first statement. To those who said it was insincere, look at it this way. . .he's not going to give you monsters, the press, more gun powder. He wanted his statement to be clear cut. Soul is nice to add to the mix, but leave him alone while he goes back to sex therapy. Hopefully he'll return before the end of the year.
Jay Leno, Conan O'Brien, & NBC - NBC decided to give Jay Leno a show, 5 nights a week, in primetime. It was pioneering, for the first week. After that it became a disaster. He just couldn't pull in another 10 million people from his original Tonight Show base. NBC stuck with it because they knew it would save money. Well that changed in January, when a massive outcry from the affiliates, led to the show's cancellation. However, NBC didn't want to let Jay Leno go. So they made the decision to push Conan's Tonight Show back and give 11:35 to Jay. Conan said no. NBC said take it or leave it. Conan left it, only 7 and 1/2 months in. Jay Leno, as default, will return to Tonight March 1st. Now people say Jay Leno should have said no but I counter by saying if he really loves to do something and someone is allowing him to do it then why not accept. Jay Leno was not the one who said give me a show that's bound to fail, didn't work? Fine I want my old show back. NBC did all of this. . .leave Jay alone.
The Olympics - The Olympics started on a tragic note, but have been running strong. They are definitely bringing back NBC to the ratings forefront even beating out FOX powerhouse "American Idol" at points. Way to go Olympics! Will these ratings stick around when the Olympics end Sunday? We'll see and we'll welcome back the 10pm hour to NBC!
"Who Dat!?" - After 43 years in the NFL, the New Orleans Saints won their first Super Bowl. I was very happy they beat the Indianapolis Colts 31-17. After Coach Caldwell pulled Peyton in the third quarter during Week 14 to "rest him" and not go for a perfect season. I said no. I already didn't like them because I'm a Ravens fan but that just made me say "you've disrespected the game." Congrats Saints!
"American Idol" Returns - American Idol returned in January with a hilarious round of auditions. But they did offer up great talent. Then, Hollywood came with new Judge Ellen DeGeneres. Now we've reached the Top 24 (and of course with a little controversy). See later posts for more info.

That's It and It was alot. J out.

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