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Thursday, February 25, 2010

American Idol: First Week Results

So the results have been tabulated and once again America shows how biased they are.

The Girls: Ashley Rodriguez and Janell Wheeler were the first two of the girls. As I did not see their performances I can not say if it was the right choice. But when you have a mediocre night, someone has to go.

The Guys: Tyler Grady and Joe Munoz were out after tonight. Tyler Grady was not to much of a surprise. He did a middle of the road thing. But to see Joe go. AMERICA! What is wrong with you!?

How in the world did Tim Urban stay on? Joe was possibly the best performance of Guy Night and he was cut!? I guess "Vote for the Worst" may strike again. Good performers with dreams struck out because of some people's "idea" of funny? Yeah, that sounds like Americans. J out.
And BTW Tyler Grady, don't get mad at the Judges (as I heard), your 70's persona isn't what gets you through the competition. I think that's called a voice.

EN(Extra Note): Cable was out during the entire show (so blown), but according to reports there may have been a moment during the show that makes you love live television. Apperantly, there was a mute in sound and quick camera cut afte Tyler Grady was let go. It isn't clear if that was due to him or Alex Lambet cursing or what.

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