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Saturday, July 18, 2009

That's the Way It Is

The Most Trusted Man in America has died. Walter Cronkite was literally the epitome of newsmen. He set the gold standard by which all others had to be compared to. If I still want to do with my life, what I want to do with my life Mr. Cronkite would be my idol. Funny that his death falls around the anniversary of the moon landing (post to come later) that he so championed for and covered extensively. I can remember only two times in which Walter semi-lost his composure on air. 1.) During the assination coverage for John F. Kennedy (with whom Walter was very good friends) and 2.) After Neil Armstrong took the first steps on the moon. He was truly and icon and his work and legacy shan't be forgotten. When you look at a news cast 50 years from now it will modeled after his example. Goodbye Walter and "That's the Way It Is"

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Harry Potter Tonight (I Can't Wait)

So "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" comes out tonight and my eyes are burning to catch a glimpse of the film. Why you ask? Well, first of all Harry Potter is a hot property. I'm more hard pressed to see this film than I was to see Bruno (especially since I was sick when my Bruno opportunity came and went). But the real reason I want to see the film is to see how they deal with 1.) Dumbledore's death but really 2.) his sexuality since it came out in the book that he was gay. I'll also be happy to see the return of Quidditch, that wizard pastime as the movie comes out on the heels of an American Pastime. It should be a good one. Unfortunetly I can't see the midnight showing due to prior commitments but will be seeing during the day. Happy viewing.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I'm So Excited

Perhaps the most exciting news for me in the anime world since the discovery of Christopher R. Sabat. FUNimation has announced that they will be releasing the complete 1st season of DragonBall following their restoration of it. Now they have previously released the series but like most FUNimation series released pre-2005 it was in volumes and then compiled into saga sets that cost an outrageous amount of money. Doing it that way it would become very difficult to compile the series as season. I will be buying (I don't know about the rest of you).

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Independance Day!

Well we've reached our 233rd Anniversary of our country's independance. Enjoy the day (for some a sunny one and others a rainy one) and be safe with the fireworks. Also watch an exemplar movie that describes our country perfectly: Independance Day. Nothing says red, white, blue like Will Smith, aliens, and the White House exploding. Tune in TNT @ 8pm Sunday.
Also check that fattening American tradition, The Hot Dog Eating contest. I believe ESPN will cover it. Chestnut or Kobyashi? Or someone from out of nowhere? Tune in. HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Into Club Mixes?

Anybody into club mixes. I found the music mixes on the internet and put together this video with my brother. I'm not usually a fan of them but these are too good to be passed over. That's one thing Baltimore is also famous for. . .club mixes. R.I.P K-Swift. What'dya think?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

It's Been A While & Billy Mays

I'm making big changes this fall so if I don't post regularly I'm sorry. While I was off the world of infomercials suffered a devistating loss. Billy Mays was 50 when his wife found him unresponsive in the bed. How could something like this happen. Oh he will be missed. While he may rank 3rd on the list of important people (behind Farrah and Michael) he's the one who has remained in the public eye constantly. Goodbye Billy.
