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Monday, November 5, 2012

Dead Heat

I see the polls and things, but I don't find this election to be as much of dead heat as they're saying it is. I like that all the polls are in agreement, but once the people hit the poles it will be a much different picture. I don't think the electoral votes aren't going to be that close once the finally tally is in.

I think Obama is going to capture some of the more important swing states and therefore the win. I hope that comes true and that the Redskins are wrong (they were in 2004, mind you).

Let me say this, however. Don't sit around and not vote. Just because the system is broken and both of the candidates have ideals you don't agree with doesn't mean your voice shouldn't be heard. If everyone thought that way, elections would be controlled by the parties extremely more than they are now. Your power to vote should be treated as importantly as your power to breathe. If a lot of people don't vote, in say...Florida, and one party wins that and it decides the election the wrong person may be presiding over you for four years.

Voting isn't supposed to be a joke. It's supposed to be taken seriously. I'm sad when I hear how some don't treat it as such. Even if you don't vote for the two major parties who currently have a strangle hold on the current electoral college, it still important to know that you wanted to be heard.

Go vote.

J out.

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