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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

American Idol: The Divided Top 13

Tonight, the Top 13 go out for the first time this season and they have a pretty TOUGH time ahead of them. They guys had to sing the songs of Stevie Wonder, while the girls had to take on...the late Whitney Houston.

Now, this is a problem with me. Simon hated when contestants would sing Whitney songs because they are so hard to sing. So this to me just puts the girls on the track to fail. I hope that isn't true but my hopes aren't high for any of them, even the good ones.

There is also one other slight problem with this program. For this week (and this week only) the show is reverting to Top 24 mode and having the girls and guys voted for separately. You can already color me not a fan of this. So it will go Thursday, they will get the bottom girl and the bottom guy and have the judges make the decision of which will go. Yeah...okay.

Let's Get to the Festivities:
Joshua: He had pretty good control as he sang "I Wish". He was very into it. I felt his excitement as he sang it. A very enjoyable performance for me; he really set the tone right for the night.

Elise: She was spotty at points with "I'm Your Baby Tonight" and you could tell where she lost it. I don't think she would've sung well no matter what song she sang, whether it was this one or her original choice "Greatest Love of All."

Jermaine: He was alright with "Knocks Me Off My Feet". I like his voice, but this performance was a little bit off at points. However, just the overall tone of his voice made up for that.

Erika: Singing "I Believe in You and Me", she was once again, my favorite crutch word, "alright." Her starting in that low register didn't have me wanting more. Not the worst performance, but again she had trouble controlling herself during the latter parts of the song.

Colton: Very, very good singing "Lately." He just sang it and I felt it. He certainly reached the bar that Joshua set. Very good performance. I have no idea what Randy was talking about.

Shannon: Taking on the fabulous "I Have Nothing", Shannon stumbled...badly...in the middle of the song. Very noticeable. Outside of that stumble, she was pretty alright with the song. Just don't deviate. You deviate (and you're nervous), and you're destined to fail.

DeAndre: He sang one of my absolute favorites "Master Blaster (Jammin')", so I was hoping he wouldn't do this song wrong. In all, he was underwhelming for me. I think he could've done more. Make no mistake, I don't think he was bad. I just think for what I was expecting, this song could've been blown out of the water.

Skylar: Excellent. Excellent. Best of the Night. Hands Down. She took "Where Do Broken Hearts Go" and made it a country ballad for her voice. Damn near perfect. Whitney is very hard to do and she stepped up to the challenge well.

Heejun: He came out of left field with "All in Love is Fair." That was one of the last songs I expected someone to do tonight. He was very good as well. Great arrangement and his voice fit it very well. Very good selection of song by him.

Hollie: She decided to take on "All the Man I Need" and well she did well with it. Her voice was powerful enough to tackle it, which is surprising considering how small she is. Good job.

Jeremy: He sang "Ribbon in the Sky" and it wasn't that bad. He was weak at points and towards to the end I could see his nervousness peaking out. There was one problem with this song. That being that this song really needs to be sung in full because there is such a difference from the beginning and the end. And the way Idol's truncated song structuring works for time makes is seem...odd. In all though, he was alright.

Jessica: She performed "I Will Always Love You." This is it. Someone had to do it. The grandaddy of all Whitney songs. The one which you can never compete with (except for the originator of said song Dolly Parton). She did great by Idol standards. Another surprising standout from a night I thought would be rough for the girls. She is definitely going to be one to compete with as well as the weeks roll on.

Phillip: He decided to rock out "Superstition" this go around. And well...this arrangement worked partly for him. He was breaking into yelling a bit too much for my tastes. Still this was another fine example of changing an arrangement for your voice. Once again, alright.

In all, this was a pretty alright show. I, of course, was a fan of all the songs seeing as they're some of my favorite artists. Very surprising show since my expectations were low for them reaching my high expectations.

And what was with Ryan not introducing the contestant and song? It felt weird to go straight into the song.

Get out and vote.

J, out.

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