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Monday, January 24, 2011

What Happened to Messed Up Calls Falling on Deaf Ears?

For the second time in less than a month, a golfer was disqualified after a fan ratted him out over the internet.

Padraig Harrington was disqualified from the tournament he was competing in after moving his ball while picking up his marker. The officials at the course didn't notice, but an eagle eyed viewer did and reported it on the internet. The same thing happened only weeks earlier to Camilo Villegas. He was having a hard time making it up   a hill to a green. As his ball roll down the hill another time, he moved a divet. That was a no-no and once again instead of the tournament officials catching it, an eagle-eyed viewer turned him in. There seems to be a problem with this and it should be a no-brainer to any idiot trying to defend the "home officials."

Plain and simple; if I can't make calls on plays in other sports then golf should be no exception. I couldn't call the NFL and tell them that the holding call that took away a game changing touchdown was a mistake. Or that the charge in basketball wasn't as such. Or that the ball in baseball was outside the foul line. It really does make a difference and if I can't do it in these sports than golfing fans shouldn't be able to do it in theirs.

The Baltimore Ravens, Armando Galarraga, Venus Williams. All sports players affected by bad calls. Viewers cried in vain that the calls in those games were wrong. Why should golf viewers get their way? It is unfair and until other sports open up that option, which they shouldn't, then I will lighten up. J out.

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