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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Football is BACK! (sort of. . .)

August 12th. On this day, in 1914, the United Kingdom declared war on Austria-Hungary and in 2010 football unofficially officially started (Is that a double negative?)

The preseason started with a number of games this Thursday night. Among the headliners were the New England Patriots taking on the Super Bowl champion New Orleans Saints. Also the nationally televised Carolina Panthers versus the Baltimore Ravens. Now I'm from Baltimore so you already know I'm ecstatic. To see the Ravens play for the first time in some organized game was thrilling and to see them win is great. Plus, the fact that they are getting so much national coverage is exciting. Not only did they open up Monday Night Football's preseason games they will also open Monday Night Football's first season game when they go against the New York Jets in the new Meadowlands stadium. It is just going to be a good year for football, I can feel it.

And as the preseason continues we hope for no injuries and think good thoughts. More football news is to follow. J out.

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