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Monday, December 30, 2013

Well...That's Something. 12/30

So...Animaniacs was a show. Okay, it was a great show. If you wanted something that appealed to kids, but also put in a lot of pop-culture based humor, this was it. Now, that's something all kids shows do. They put in references that only adults could possibly get. It makes an otherwise funny show even more funnier. Animaniacs however, had more flare to it. Since the show was set on a movie lot (ostensibly), it gave way for a lot of funny references and jokes. This is were we'll draw from for the first installment of "Well...That's Something".

Wordplay is a classic tool of comedy. Take two or more words that could be harmless, but could make something funny when you think about it for a second. With that, I present this clip...

This isn't the first time Animaniacs has made a subtle-not subtle joke, but this one was particularly funny to me because of Dot's reaction. They knew what they were talking about and they went there.

Well...that's something.

J out.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Baltimore Ravens 2013 Season

The Ravens were surprisingly in it at the end of the season, but they need the off-season to regroup. I don't know if it was the loss of Matt Birk or what, but the offensive line was truly terrible this season. They couldn't make a hole to get the running game going and they couldn't stop defenders from pressuring and sacking Joe. After the tumultuous off-season they had, and the people they lost, for me, the offensive line was the last thing I'd think the Ravens would have a problem with. A shame.

It didn't help that the coach and offensive coordinator refused to adjust to the fact that the offensive line sucked. Running the draw a hell of a lot (seriously, are the outsides of the field foreign objects for the running back?) on 1st down even when they'd be down by a lot. Head-scratching decisions from John Harbaugh and Co.

Then after they picked up steam, Joe Flacco had his knee hit. It was obvious that this pre-occupied Joe Flacco and the coaching staff the last two games of the season. Combine cautious play with a crappy offensive line and you've got a disaster.

I think the best way for the Raven's playoff streak to end would be to win the Super Bowl the previous season, and that's exactly what they did. Can't be too mad after that.

Until next season.

/Seahawks to win it all.

//Must see them play the Broncos though.